Friday, August 27

I found out that little weasel, Opal, is trying to stir up trouble by making incendiary remarks about me.

When I answered my phone at work this afternoon, Jesse was on the other end. “Ellie, can you step into my office a minute?”

I wasn’t exactly worried as I crossed the newsroom because I know he likes me. But I was curious. My interaction with Jesse is typically pretty minimal. He’s got his hands full overseeing the copy desk, Beck, the sports editor, the news reporters, and correcting Beverly’s erroneous word usage, so he and I don’t speak much except to exchange pleasantries.

His eyes crinkled as I entered his doorway. “Thanks for seeing me, Ellie. Have a seat.” He leaned back in his chair and looked at his computer screen. “I have an e-mail here from Opal Haynesworth that I want to talk to you about.”

I shifted in my seat. “Okay.”

“It says, ‘Jesse, I am concerned for the Herald’s reputation. I have it on good authority that Ellie McAllister is alienating key residents of Peachtree County with her blatant disregard for accuracy and overall deficiency in knowing the right people to interview for her articles.”

I sat up straight and gripped the arms of my chair. “Does she have any proof?”

Jesse held up his hand and kept reading. “‘Recently, while on assignment for another publication to cover the unveiling of the new stained glass window at St. Mark’s Cathedral, I noticed Ellie among the invited media. As the afternoon wore on, both I and the leader of the women’s auxiliary, Clara Umbridge, became gravely concerned when Ellie did not take time to speak with Clara, whom I quoted extensively in my article. Ellie instead obtained her information from another source.’”

I crossed my arms. “That’s her beef?”

Jesse removed his glasses. “Except for a brief mention of your public library typo toward the end, that’s about it.”

It angered me to have to defend myself against such an asinine accusation. “Jesse, the source she’s referring to that I extensively quoted is none other than the pastor. I think everyone except Opal and her crony from the women’s auxiliary would pretty much agree that he’s certainly a valid spokesman. From what I understand, the church is on the verge of a split, led by none other than the women’s auxiliary head. If Opal defines good journalism as taking sides in a Hatfield-McCoy feud, then I'll just have to be a bad journalist.”

Jesse tried to stifle a smile, but there was no way he could extinguish the twinkle in his eyes. “Thanks for clearing things up.”

His voice stopped me as I was leaving. “Oh, and Ellie? Keep up the good work.”

Later, Beck paused by my desk after the daily editorial meeting. “Thought I’d let you know Jesse is cutting back the number of assignments we’re giving Opal.”

I kept typing. “You don't say?”

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