Wednesday, July 7

Even though I’m so tired, I’m having difficulty sleeping. I only get six hours a night now instead of the usual eight. When I do sleep, it’s filled with strange dreams. I spent last night picking chocolate Easter eggs wrapped in pastel foils from our blueberry bushes.

So far I haven’t had any real food cravings, except an odd penchant for anything green. On the flip side, I’ve an aversion to the McAllister mainstays of tacos, fried chicken, and hamburgers. Yuck. Just the thought is unpleasant. And the smell, intolerable. Even so, still no morning sickness!

Why is it that pregnancy affects women so differently? I've been reading What to Expect When You're Expecting and it seems what is true for some women is the antithesis in others. Take, for example, skin. The book poses a question from a woman who complains that her face is breaking out just like she's a teenager again, yet in my case, my complexion has never looked better.

I've heard women swear that their hair looked like something straight out of a conditioner commercial when they were pregnant and others gripe that every day was a bad hair day. Some women exude that rosy glow and others look haggard. Their feet balloon or don't, bust increases or remains status quo, belly button pops or doesn't; whatever the case, pregnancy truly is a unique experience.

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